'Hamster Republic Productions Classic Game Source Code '(C) Copyright Brian Fisher and James Paige and Hamster Republic Productions 'GPL software: Please read LICENSE.TXT ' 'This is "Bob the Hamster VGA", an arcade-style action game inspired by DigDug. ' 'This is cleaned-up shared code for bobvga 'Portions of this code are adapted from the OHRRPGCE 'many thanks to the OHR developers. #IFNDEF COMMON_BI #DEFINE COMMON_BI DECLARE SUB load_map(file_name AS STRING, map() AS INTEGER, pass() AS INTEGER) DECLARE SUB playsong (song_name AS STRING) DECLARE SUB playsnd (BYVAL n) DECLARE FUNCTION data_file(file_name AS STRING) AS STRING DECLARE FUNCTION soundfile (sfxnum AS INTEGER) AS STRING DECLARE FUNCTION strgrabber (s AS STRING, maxl AS INTEGER, no_space AS INTEGER = YES) AS INTEGER 'Stuff that must be defined by the calling code EXTERN sound_names() AS STRING EXTERN allow_sound AS INTEGER #ENDIF