CLS : SCREEN 7 DIM p%(16004) GOSUB tittle tittle: SCREEN 7, 0, 0, 3 DO f$ = "headsm.ttl": GOSUB loadnext SLEEP 4: GOSUB palflash f$ = "herman.pht": GOSUB loadnext SLEEP 4: GOSUB palflash f$ = "ringo.pht": GOSUB loadnext SLEEP 4: GOSUB palflash f$ = "stick.pht": GOSUB loadnext SLEEP 4: GOSUB palflash f$ = "cuddles.pht": GOSUB loadnext SLEEP 4: GOSUB palflash f$ = "egu.pht": GOSUB loadnext SLEEP 4: GOSUB palflash f$ = "gordan.pht": GOSUB loadnext SLEEP 4: GOSUB palflash LOOP RETURN palflash: FOR b = 0 TO 7: PALETTE b, b OR 8: NEXT FOR b = 8 TO 15: PALETTE b, 15: NEXT SLEEP 1 PALETTE RETURN loadnext: PCOPY 3, 1 SCREEN 7, 0, 0, 3 DEF SEG = VARSEG(p%(0)) BLOAD f$, 0 PUT (0, 0), p%, PSET FOR a = 0 TO 7: PALETTE a, 0: NEXT FOR a = 8 TO 15 PALETTE a, a AND 7 NEXT FOR a = 191 TO 0 STEP -8 WHILE TIMER < t + .1: WEND t = TIMER SCREEN 7, 0, 0, 3 GET (0, a)-(319, a + 7), p% SCREEN 7, 0, 2, 3 FOR b = 0 TO a STEP 8 PUT (0, b), p%, PSET NEXT PCOPY 2, 3 NEXT PCOPY 0, 3 PALETTE RETURN