DEFINT A-Z '$DYNAMIC DECLARE SUB setpicstuf (buf(), BYVAL b, BYVAL p) DECLARE SUB loadset (fil$, BYVAL i, BYVAL l) DECLARE SUB storeset (fil$, BYVAL i, BYVAL l) DIM row(2304), room(288) setpicstuf room(), 576, -1 FOR a = 1 TO 32 FOR b = 1 TO 16 DEF SEG = VARSEG(row(0)): BLOAD "data\pic" + RIGHT$(STR$(a), LEN(STR$(a)) - 1) + ".map", VARPTR(row(0)) FOR c = 1 TO 144 room(c * 2 - 2) = row(((b - 1) * 144) + c) NEXT c DEF SEG = VARSEG(row(0)): BLOAD "data\pal" + RIGHT$(STR$(a), LEN(STR$(a)) - 1) + ".map", VARPTR(row(0)) FOR c = 1 TO 144 room(c * 2 - 1) = (row(((b - 1) * 144) + c) AND 255) NEXT c DEF SEG = VARSEG(row(0)): BLOAD "data\pas" + RIGHT$(STR$(a), LEN(STR$(a)) - 1) + ".map", VARPTR(row(0)) FOR c = 1 TO 144 room(c * 2 - 1) = room(c * 2 - 1) + (row(((b - 1) * 144) + c) * 256) NEXT c rnum = ((a - 1) * 16) + (b - 1) storeset "data\" + CHR$(0), rnum, 0 NEXT b: NEXT a SYSTEM