SIDEWALK FIGHTER ---------------------------------------------- To install, unzip all files to C:\SIDEWALK\ and run SIDEWALK.EXE No other directory will work, as that one is hard-coded into the program :( ---------------------------------------------- To control your Fighter: Press the Left(4) and Right(6) arrows to walk left and right. Press END(1) to edge left Press PGDN(3) to edge right Press the Up(8) arrow to jump up Press HOME(7) to jump left Press PGDN(9) to jump right Press the Down(2) arrow to Block (Only if blocking is enabled) Press Right SHIFT to use the strong attack Press Right CTRL to use the fast attack Press P to pause ---------------------------------------------- The special moves are as follows: -RUE Fireball..............down downforward forward fastattack Hamster Uppercut......foreward down downforward strongattack -BARBY Fireball..............down downforward forward fastattack Hamster Uppercut......foreward down downforward strongattack -KANGA-LI Giggle kick...........hold fastattack Spinning butt kick....down down up strongattack -DECIET Sonic poom............back back foreward fastattack Sonic kick............down down up strongattack -BLANKO Hairball spit.........back downback down fastattack Spinning hairball.....back back foreward strongattack -E-HYUNDAI Sushiken..............back down forward fastattack Head dive.............back back forward strongattack -ZANGRIEF Cabbage toss..........downback forward fastattack Spinning clothesline..jump and strongattack simultaniously -DHALSLIM Yoga fire.............down downforeward foreward fastattack Yoga flame............back down forward strongattack -BULLHOG Anvil punch...........jump and fastattack simultaneously Dashing uppercut......back back forward strongattack -SPLATTA Cold steel............back back forward fastattack Lemming dive..........down down up strongattack -MAGGOT Tuber shot............down downforward forward fastattack Tuber uppercut........forward down downforward strongattack -M-BUFFALO Snort toss............downforward down downback fastattack Psychotic crusher.....back back forward strongattack -STINGER Grapling spear........back back fastattack Teleportation.........down downback back strongattack -ZERO-KELVIN Icy blast.............down downforeward foreward fastattack Slide.................downback strongattack -GORDO Barbeque..............down downback back fastattack Stomp.................jump and strongattack simultaneously -ROBOBOB Sawblade..............downback forward fastattack Claw jump.............downback down forward strongattack ---------------------------------------------- Troubleshooting If you get a "Path not found in module SIDEWALK" error that probably means (A) You did not install SideWalk Fighter into a directory called C:\SIDEWALK (B) You did not reconstruct subdirectories when you extracted the contents of the ZIP file If you get an "Out of string space in module SIDEWALK" error that means that you do not have enough conventional DOS memory for the sound effects. Delete or rename C:\SIDEWALK\SBSIM.COM and you will be able to play without sound effects. You also might want to try VDMSound or DOSBOX if you have sound problems. ---------------------------------------------- For more info, or NEWER games, visit ---------------------------------------------- The old QuickBasic source code for Sidewalk Fighter is available via subversion at svn://